Nursing Services » Nursing Services

Nursing Services

Richenda Fox
Richenda Fox
District Nurse Manager
(505) 455-2234 Ext. 1103

Committed to the health and wellness of our students

Pojoaque Valley School District is committed to the health and wellness of our students.

Our District Nurse and Health Assistants strive to ensure all students can fully participate in educational programs. This starts with daily attendance and includes being well-rested, well-fed, and ready to learn. Our goal is for all students to be successful in school.

Our Heath Services Department provides school health services designed to:

  • Promote health and safety
  • Intervene with actual and potential problems
  • Provide education and case management services
  • Actively collaborate with students, families, communities, school staff, and district employees
Names and contact information for the Health Assistant at each school are listed below.  Please call the main office of your child’s school to reach the Health Assistant.
Heidi Jaramillo
Middle School
[email protected]
Veronica Fernandez
High School
[email protected]
Kayla Morales
Intermediate School
[email protected]
Heather Henrichsen
Pablo Roybal Elementary
[email protected]